Thursday, November 17, 2005

Face Time with Bob Geldof

In this article, it states that Bob Geldof will forever be known for organizing Live Aid. Bologney (or Bologna if you prefer)!! He will forever been known as Pink who shaved all his hair off his body in The Wall. Bob must have that Comfortably Numb feeling right about now.....

eta: link no longer works

4 pies thrown:

JohnB said...

"...won't let you fly, but might let you sing"

Whimsy Harbinger said...

"How can you have any pudding if you don't eat all your meat?"

JohnB said...

"Stand still with it" Cannoli!

On My Watch said...

when I think of live aid I think of Dionne Warlock...not Bob Geldolf...freak with no eyebrows. Tell me why I don't like mondays?