Sunday, November 13, 2005

Drunk Moose Invade Swedish Seniors Home

Maybe Sweden should impose a drinking age for the moose.

eta: link no longer works

5 pies thrown:

On My Watch said...

too much Moosehead Lager, I guess. Would they have been more leniant if it were a couple of drunk jackasses instead?

Whimsy Harbinger said...

My guess that if it was swedish fish, they would have got off scotch free.l

Jeremy said...

Man, animals are on the rampage lately. Read this article:

Why did the guy have to actually wrestle the deer? Couldn't he have just shut the door?

Whimsy Harbinger said...

That story was a real kick in the pants.
itstjoint: Uhmmm: Testosterone?

JohnB said...

Don't forget those rice liquor consuming rampaging elephants in Asia!