Friday, July 15, 2005

I decided to add a new part to the name of this blog. The original Le Soapbox was written by a college student for the newspaper of my alma mater. I always enjoyed reading his rants and raves and true stories that often occurred to him. So then, I aspire to have a "mini me" version aptly named "Le Soapbox, Jr."

Last year, I watched a show called Kingdom Hospital. This show was written by Stephen King and I had great quotes. Including: "...And a prune danish, big boy..", "You do me a solid and I'll do you a solid." It was a quirky show with potential. A potential that was not reached due to the fact that it was cancelled after 13 shows. Why is it that all the quirky show are cancelled and we are left with these "brain fart" shows know as reality TV. Enough is enough already. One or two is fine, but there seems to be thousands. Who are these Nielsen raters anyways. They must be one sock short of pair or one point below idiot on the IQ scale.
Though I have to say that this television year has redeemed itself with such shows as: Lost, Desperate Housewives, House, Grey's Anatomy, and Veronica Mars (another quirky show on the bubble to be canceled, but that goodness it was picked up for fall).

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