Thursday, October 22, 2009


I went on a flight in September and just found my notepad with hilarious tweets I forgot to post. It's just easier to blog this whole note. So, enjoy the pressurized cabin observations.
9/12/09 airplane flight from Seattle to Lihue.

17:00 The guy next to me has extremely long toenails and should
probably invest in some toenail clippers.

17:19. The guy behind me is asleep and snot is running down his nose.
Not Aqualung, though close.

20:05 toenail guy and snot guy are friends.

20:06 third and final beverage service includes a free Mai Tai. I'm sure it's more Mai and less Tai.

20:37 older lady with perm, fanny pack, Birkenstocks and a pink
corduroy double breasted jacket.

20:43 older lady's traveling companion has Texas sized side burns and
orange ear plugs.

21:13 had to wait for the restroom with a changing table. It smelled of vomit. Somebody partook in too much alcohol.

21:14 somebody reeks of b.o.

3 pies thrown:

JohnB said...

classic airline travel, right down to the last one!

X. Dell said...

(1) Um, how do you know about his toenails? Did he wear flip-flops? Was he fresh, and trying t initiate a game of footsies?

(2) At least the older lady didn't have Texas-sized sideburns.

Whimsy Harbinger said...

X. Toenail guy was across from me. The thought of him touching me made me gag. :)