Friday, May 01, 2009

I'm angry and I can't hold it in any longer. The more I think about it vile thoughts run amok in my mind. There is so much that needs to be done and I can't do it alone with a junior mint in tow. I have no life, no friends, no family, and no aide when I need assistance. The only places I enjoy taking junior mint are probably infested with some sort of news-worthy, infectious disease that will cause even more worry and concern. I am not enjoying life at all and extreme guilt lays on my mind like a blanket of Irish wool. Stifling any happy thoughts that might remain. What's the solution? I haven't a clue. Will it end anytime soon. I doubt it. Is it my fault? No comment

1 pies thrown:

Anonymous said...

You have at least one friend...albeit far, far away residing in the bowels of hell. One day my chosen one will realize his dream and I'll be close enough to meet you for coffee, or something stronger, and we'll laugh about how miserable we are. Just remember, it feels rough now, but menopause looms. One day you'll be having a hot flash and long for the good ole days, when all you had to do was hit your knee. Hahahaha